That’s why we provide high-quality reading and math tutoring to help our students grow in their confidence and achieve their goals.
We know you are passionate about your child’s success. The problem is many children do not get the individualized instruction they need to be successful.
It truly is heartbreaking to see students struggle, lose their confidence, and ultimately lose their love for learning.
It is crushing to see your child struggle, fall behind, and lose their love for learning.
That’s why we want you to feel confident that your student is getting the best academic support possible.
We don’t pair your student with just any tutor.
All of our learning specialists have their Master’s degree and 5+ years of experience in their area of expertise.
**With the Premium Package
Truthfully, you can find cheaper tutoring services out there than Strive Learning Solutions.
Strive charges higher rates because we pride ourselves on hiring (and generously paying) expert educators to provide your student with the best possible 1:1 academic support.
Strive Learning Solutions provides the academic support I wish I had growing up.
I struggled in school all the way from Kindergarten until Freshman year of college, making it easy for me to empathize with many of the students I work with.
I believe all children can learn with the right support. The problem is so many students fail to get the support they need to be successful. I created Strive Learning Solutions to offer the highest quality academic services possible for our community.
FOUNDER & Learning Specialist
Kelley Ledden is a passionate educator with over 11 years of teaching experience. She has her Master’s in Reading and Writing Curriculum from UCDenver. She received her teaching license and reading endorsement through that program and has been teaching ever since! She has taught K-6 Literacy Intervention, English Language Development, and has tutored, both virtually and in-person, for the past three years.
Throughout the past few years, she has received training in Wilson Reading, Read Act certification, and has a certification in the Slingerland Dyslexia program. When Kelley’s not teaching, she’s playing outdoors, riding her bike, camping, gardening, and exploring new places around the world. She makes learning fun and engaging by empowering learners to be excited, curious, and confident. She looks forward to working with your children and supporting their growth!
Leigh Ann served Denver Public Schools as Interim Director of Mathematics. Most of her career was enjoyed in Jefferson County Public Schools where she taught middle school math, science, and social studies, as well as high school math. Her favorite role in Jeffco was as the High School Math Content Curriculum Specialist which allowed her to work with all of the Jeffco high schools and represent the district on state committees/projects. As a teacher, Leigh Ann worked with both gifted students and at-risk students. Most recently, her work focused on SAT preparation classes. Leigh Ann served nine years on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics and also chaired the annual math conference. She was a Noyce Math Mentor for the University of Colorado at Denver and is a former adjunct professor at the University of Denver. She also taught Math Methods at Regis University.
During the pandemic, Leigh Ann earned a second Master’s degree—this one in Data Science. She coached teachers and helped improve instruction, especially in an online environment. For the last several years, she has not only tutored students but has also helped new teachers prepare for the PRAXIS test. In addition to helping students understand and explain mathematics, Leigh Ann's passion is to improve and ensure quality instruction and engagement in math classrooms.
Every child benefits from a team of support.
Every child can learn with the right support.
Every child deserves a high-quality education tailored to their needs.